Adult Cats
We treat each of our cats as member of our family, with love and commitment.
Tylona's Merlin of Deja Blu - Male

DOB: Apr 23rd, 2023
Sire: GC, RW (CFA) Tylona's Ali Baba
Dam: GC, RW (CFA) Ingoda's Summertime Blues of Tylona
Merlin intro TBA
GC, RW Deja Blu Glitter in the Sky - Female

DOB: Apr 19th, 2022
Sire: GC, RW (CFA) Tsar Blu’s Zanzibar
Dam: Ch Sereshka S’More Fun of Deja Blu
Glitter is our first home-bred Russian Blue girl. She achieved the Regional Winner title in the CFA kitten class, as the 6th best kitten in Region 5 (southwest) this season and also 4th best Russian Blue kitten nationally in 2022 - 2023 show season.
Ch Sereshka S'More Fun of Deja Blu - Female

DOB: Aug 3rd, 2020
Sire: Winteridol Storm Surge of Tsar Blu
Dam: RW (CFA) Sereshka Good Golly Miss Molly
S'More Fun is the foundation cat of our cattery and we are co-owning this pretty girl with Sereshka Russian Blues. Bred by Kate and Ariel, S'More Fun has large green eyes and a very sweet temperament. S'More has a beautiful silver-tipped coat and slim elegant body. She loves to purr when people pet her and she has a cute and funny squeak when she's asking for attention or enjoying the cuddle.
Sereshka Miro of Deja Blu - Guardian

DOB: May 5th, 2019
Sire: GC RW (CFA) Snow-Island Samurai Ace of Sereshka
Dam: GC Tsar Blu's Zuzu's Petal of Sereshka
Miro is our very first Russian Blue cat and he is the guardian of our cattery. As a pet RB he has been a meowdel on Instagram. He loves cuddling and playing with S'More Fun, licks mom's face in the morning and he has the sweetest meowing voice on Earth.